Monday, November 2, 2009


Today my dear friend decided she was going to send a letter to the lead singer of a band she really likes. We then got onto a tangent about having a celebrity pen-pal and how awesome that would be. We discussed that the person would have to be famous enough that they would have googleable means for people to send letters, but not so famous that all you get back is a signed picture and a form letter. Thinking this sounded like a good idea...and wanting to procrastinate my Shakespeare essay, I decided to no only do this, but make a blog about it as well! So that is where I stand. I have a few people in mind to try to contact. Thus far the list is:

David Tennant (star of Doctor Who)
Meryl Streep
Gary Oldman
Nathan Fillion
Patrick Stewart

Starting tomorrow I will begin to send letters to them in an attempt at getting a celebrity pen-pal.